Friday, January 18, 2013

When you...

My brother sent me this...made me LOL!!! I do pick up my Mom's calls...most of the time :-)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Since the past couple entries have been sad ones, wanted to spread some smiles around...

enjoy these bellisimi fiori!:)))

India Gang Rape

As much as I love my Motherland, India, I am overcome with deep sadness at the country's attitude towards women.

On December 16th, a 23 year-old woman and her male friend were taking the bus from the movies in Delhi. She was gang raped for nearly an hour by 6 men, beaten with iron bars and tossed out of a moving bus onto the street.

Can you imagine? Being raped on a moving bus and no one does anything...what type of world is that? Not one made for a woman. The Indian culture needs to learn to respect its women more, to not treat them as inferior to the male species.

When my brother and I visited tombs in India, you could always tell which was for a male and which for a female because the male tomb was always higher than the female one.

I hope this tragic story awakens the people of India and helps them realize that women too are human beings, and are NOT inferior to men.