Saturday, April 28, 2012

LIFT at the Global Activism Expo (UIC Forum) Saturday April 28th, Noon-6pm

(from LIFT website)
LIFT is honored once again to join the Global Activism Expo from noon- 6 pm at the UIC forum (725 West Roosevelt, Chicago).
Learn how our impact has gone viral and spread across international boundaries. Most importantly, see how you can get involved!
This remarkable celebration, hosted by Worldview’s Jerome McDonnell, ­gathers hundreds of Chicago-area global activists and is complete with music and food.
Admission is free so please join us!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Some of the best quotes by Oprah:)

"Turn your wounds into wisdom"
"The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams."
"Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down."
"True forgiveness is when you can say, "Thank you for that experience."
"Surround yourself only with people who are going to take you higher."
"You get in life what you have the courage to ask for."
"If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough."
"If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay."

Thank you Oprah for your words of wisdom.

She also recently said in one of her programs I was watching the other day, "Always listen to your innerself. We make mistakes when we listen to others, follow your gut. If you follow your innerself it is not possible to make mistakes."

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Union Sushi + Barbeque Bar

230 West Erie 

I've been meaning to let you guys know about Union Sushi for some time now and have finally gotten around to doing this entry!

Living in Los Angeles for two years I became very snobby about the sushi I ate. When you live so close to the ocean the fish is so fresh, you literally taste the freshness. After eating this type of sushi, imagine eating the sushi you find at a local dominicks, so not the same and it seems there is no point in eating it.

Given that, this is the first sushi restaurant in Chicago that I love. Honestly I don't remember all that we ate, but I just remember loving every single roll and sashimi. If you guys have any suggestions on other sushi places that I haven't tried of course let me know, but hands down this is the best sushi I have had in the chi:)

Chicago Pizza and Oven Grinder

2121 North Clark Street

 I've been to this restaurant many times and cannot praise it enough! The setting is so quaint and sweet, it has a log cabin look and feel, the booths are really tall. It's a very small restaurant but has been in business for many years and after dining here once you will be able to see why :)

The menu offers flatbread, salads, pizza, and italian subs. What do we order when we come here??:)

the pizza pot pie! it is absolutely delicious, and if you think there will be left overs guess again. One half pounder pizza pot pie can be eaten by one individual, unless you order appetizers of course. Also, they let you choose the crust of the pizza, it can be either white or wheat, I prefer the wheat, I think it is tastier.

Chicago Pizza and Oven Grinder is an excellent restaurant for any occassion, a small group, a large group, family, friends or a romantic date, I recommend this place to everyone.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Oprah and India!

Cannot wait for this Sunday! Oprah visits India, don't forget to watch it this sunday at 8pm central time on OWN.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Save the Date!

 "No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure." - Emma Goldman

Save the Date! Leading India's Future Today Summer Scholarship Event...
Please spread the word :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

LIFT - Leading India's Future Today

hey guys!

check out the new website of LIFT, leading india's future today.

so proud and happy to be a part of such an incredible organization :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Saving India's Disappearing Daughters

"Every girl deserves a chance at life," Sekhon said. "Cultural values need to change. We all come from someone's daughter." 

One woman, Deesh Sekhon, from British Columbia has taken on the challenge to help save the females of India.

"It's been called gendercide: the elimination of girls through sex-selective abortion, neglect or murder to avoid a deep-set custom in Indian culture -- paying dowry to future husbands' families. According to the United Nations, as many as 50,000 female fetuses are aborted every month in India, and untold numbers of baby girls are abandoned or killed." - ABC 20/20

It seems like most of us, Sekhon didn't realize the degree to which females are abandoned in India. She created a social media campaign called "Save a Girl" which ran from December 2011 to January 2012. This campaign requested for people to donate clothes and other goods to these females. The goal of this was to make these girls feel that someone out in the world cared for them, how inspiring :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Doctors Don't Know Everything

I was recently told a heart warming story you guys would appreciate.

There was an infant born with an extreme stomach disorder. Doctors told his parents the little boy had only weeks to live.

Miraculously, he survived. The nurse who cared for him at the time has a grown son who now plays sports in high school with the same boy. The boy is healthy and happy.

Makes you think twice, doctors are not always right.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Strike in Spain

What would you do if your shop was under attack?

"Workers livid over labor reforms they see as flagrantly pro-business staged a nationwide strike and tried to bring the country to a halt by blocking traffic, closing factories and clashing with police."

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Find a person who will love you through all your mistakes and appreciate your journey in life :)

"I must learn to love the fool in me, the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries."
- Theodore Isaac Rubin

Love is not finding a perfect person, it is seeing an imperfect person perfectly and still loving them. With every relationship there will be issues, but hopefully if you find the right person who fulfills you most they will be less and you will remain happy:)

However, in order to love someone so unconditionally you must truly be compatible. Look for someone who would be your very best friend in life (the love), satisfies your physical needs (attraction) and you guys make a great team with decision making.

Ever since learning about what it takes to have a good relationship I never view other couples and think I wish I had that. It's those who have all three dimensions that I think, wow you guys won the lottery because it's so rare:)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Went to a drag queen show over the weekend for my good girlfriend's bachelorette party and oh my what a show it was.

Made me think how relieved these men must be to live out their dream and innerself of being a woman and showing the world they are staying true to who they were born to be. And man do they look good :)

Do you ever wonder what you would do if you were born in the wrong body? If you always felt one way but had to deny yourself because of societal pressures? I felt proud that these men were able to fulfill their needs as a human being, my philosophy is that as long as you are not harming another, stay true to yourself.

If you guys get a chance go to Kit Kat Lounge off Halsted. Good food and a good show :)